Author Archives: kartook

Hackers can beat pre-installed Antivirus App on Xiaomi phones for malware

What could be worse than this if the software intended to protect the devices, allow backdoors to open for hackers or become malicious software?   Scientists today showed that a security app that comes pre-installed on more than 150 million devices produced by Xiaomi, China’s largest and the world’s fourth-largest smartphone company, suffered from several […]

What is Doxing?

What is Doxing? Researching and broadcasting private or identifying information (especially personally identifying information) about an individual or organization.   The methods used to obtain this information include searching publicly available databases and social media websites (such as Facebook), hacking, and social technology. It is closely linked to international vigilantism and hacktivism. Now you have their […]

Physical Security – Tailgating

Physical Security – Tailgating   Tailgating (also referred to as piggybacking)is a social engineering technique meant to give an individual physical access to an area without proper authorization. At its most basic, the attacker will wait for an authorized person to use their access card or a biometric credential to open an electronic access control […]