Category Archives: News


Tech has played a massive part in growing agricultural trade. Now it’s likely to develop plants at a desert by the usage of agricultural biotechnology. With this technology, most plants are designed to live in drought states. During genetic engineering, boffins have been able to introduce faculties into existing genes using no objective of earning […]

What is Phishing ?

Miscellaneous Hackers

What is Phishing? Phishing is the fraudulent effort to get hold of sensitive information such as user names, passwords and bank card details with disguising like a trusted thing in an electronic communication. Typically performed by e-mail or instant messaging,it frequently sends users to input private information in a bogus site, the design and texture […]

Hackers can beat pre-installed Antivirus App on Xiaomi phones for malware

What could be worse than this if the software intended to protect the devices, allow backdoors to open for hackers or become malicious software?   Scientists today showed that a security app that comes pre-installed on more than 150 million devices produced by Xiaomi, China’s largest and the world’s fourth-largest smartphone company, suffered from several […]

The Most Important Cybersecurity Story

There’s no doubt what the most discussed cybersecurity story of the month is—withbelligerent attackers, sophisticated counterhacks, corporate lawyers threatening journalists, speculation about the potential involvement of a rogue nation state,entertaining sniping about movie stars, and even real-world threats, the Sony data breach has all the excitement of one of the action-packed films pilfered from the […]

Cisco ASA with FirePOWER Services

Cisco ASA with FirePOWER Services Protect against advanced threats while reducing complexity and cost. The industry’s first adaptive, threat-focused next-generation firewall (NGFW), Cisco ASA with FirePOWER Services, delivers integrated threat defense across the entire attack continuum. It combines proven ASA firewall with Sourcefire threat and advanced malware protection in a single device. Features and Capabilities […]