we are going to need software called SBackup.
This is not installed by default in Ubuntu and hence we need to install it. First, let’s see a little bit about this wonderful software.
Homepage: http://sbackup.wiki.sourceforge.net/
Description: SBackup is a simple backup solution for Linux. It is generally developed with a Gnome desktop in mind, but will also work in other desktop environments and also on the console.
Features of SBackup
* Back up using GUI and hence avoid the terminal.
* Restore using the GUI in simple steps.
* You can easily setup automatic backup.
* Custom choose the files to backup.
* Exclude and include files using regular expressions.
* Backup files depending on size and extension.
* You can also use terminal to backup and restore.
Limitations of SBackup
As of now you can only backup data to local or remote machine. Backing up to DVD or CD is not available as of now. However, it’s not difficult to burn a backup to disk yourself manually.
Install SBackup
Install SBackup from the package sbackup (click the link to install), or by running the command below in your terminal:
sudo apt-get install sbackup
Launching SBackup
In order to launch SBackup go to System->Administration->Simple Backup Config
Just see the gui and configure and enjoy 🙂