Install VMware Tools In Ubuntu Linux

Install tool from virtual CD-ROM

VMware Workstation / server software will temporarily connect to the virtual machine’s first virtual CD-ROM drive to the ISO image file that contains the VMware Tools installer for your guest operating system and you are ready to begin the installation process. Login to your Ubuntu Linux vm and make sure build-essential and kernel header is installed:
kartook@Test-linux:~$ sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r)
Next, mount cdrom if it is not mouted, enter:
kartook@Test-linux:~$ sudo mount -a
kartook@Test-linux:~$ df -H
kartook@Test-linux:~$ mount | grep -i cdrom
Your virual CD will be at /media/cdrom or /media/cdrom0 directory. Now copy a file called VMwareTools*.tar.gz:
kartook@Test-linux:~$ cd /tmp
kartook@Test-linux:~$ cp /media/cdrom0/VMwareTools*.tar.gz .
kartook@Test-linux:~$ tar -zxvf VMwareTools*.tar.gz
kartook@Test-linux:~$ cd vmware-tools*
kartook@Test-linux:~$ sudo ./
Now just follow on scree instructions and you should able to install tools. There is not need to reboot VM or anything as vmware-tools will be installed as service at /etc/init.d/vmware-tools.

After installation

just restart the service

kartook@Test-linux:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/vmware-tools restart
[sudo] password for kartook:
Stopping VMware Tools services in the virtual machine:
Guest operating system daemon:                                                                           done
Virtual Printing daemon:                                                                                       done
VMware User Agent (vmware-user):                                                                       done
Blocking file system:                                                                                             done
Guest memory manager:                                                                                             done
VM communication interface socket family:                                                     done
VM communication interface:                                                                                 done
Checking acpi hot plug                                                                                           done
Starting VMware Tools services in the virtual machine:
Switching to guest configuration:                                                                     done
Guest memory manager:                                                                                             done
VM communication interface:                                                                                 done
VM communication interface socket family:                                                     done
Blocking file system:                                                                                             done
Guest operating system daemon:                                                                           done
Virtual Printing daemon:                                                                                       done



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