How to Block certain Website in Mozilla Firefox?
World Wide Web is a vast interconnected web servers which have both good and inappropriate content, especially for children. The following instructions are for blocking certain websites in Mozilla Firefox. If you are using Internet Explorer, please click here to know more.
In firefox, you can easily configure this using an add-on. The Add-on named FoxFilter helps you to filter inappropriate content and block user specified websites. If you want to browse certain websites only, you can type those website name in white list and change the setting to browse only white list website.
To add this to your browser, please visit this page and click “Add to Firefox” button to install this add-on.
Once you installed this add on, Open “FoxFilter Preferences” page from Tool menu bar. Enable Filtering options.
You can block websites having certain keywords and by address. If you want to filter websites having the word ‘porn’, type that word in the keywords. If you want to block certain website, say, put in keywords list.
FoxFilter also includes password-protected feature to access settings, uninstallation of this add-on. So, no body other than you can change the setting or uninstall it. For using this feature, you must enable it in the setting page.
Screen Shot of the blocked website
Thanks To indioss..