The template for the notification email is stored in the ${emailbody} variable, defined in voicemail.conf or one of its includes. You just have to define it. Feel free to mix in any of these system variables while you’re at it:
The name of the subscriber for whom the message was left
The duration, in seconds, of the message
The number of the message relative to the subscriber’s mailbox
The mailbox number of the subscriber
The caller ID string for the caller who left the message
The date and time the message was left, relative to the time zone specified in voicemail.conf for this subscriber
Consider the following email body declaration:
emailbody=Hello ${VM_NAME},nnThere is a new voice mail message in mailbox number ${ VM_MAILBOX}. It was left on ${VM_DATE} from ${VM_CALLERID}. To listen to this message, dial 1000 from your desk phone or from an outside phone. nnThanks,nThe Kartook Voicemail Test System *************************************************************************************************
This message would appear more or less as follows, when used to send a voice mail notification:
Hello kartook,
There is a new voicemail message in mailbox number 7200. It was left on 3/23/2009
12:42:42 from (440) 111-1111. To listen to this message, dial 1000 from your desk phone
or from an outside phone.
The Kartook Voicemail Test System
The n token, common in Unix, starts a new line. If the recorded message were actually attached to the email, we would need to use a different message template, indicating that.