LINUX : How to Find the Most Memory taking process in Ubuntu

Some Times system we need to kill the memory eater process. When your system become slower, check the following command and find the memory eater.

Open a terminal and Type the following command

kartook@Dwarez:~$ sudo ps aux | sort -nrk 4 | head

Outputlooks like Below

kartook@Dwarez:~$ sudo ps aux | sort -nrk 4 | head
kartook 2194 18.9 10.8 1614208 1333020 ? Ssl 08:36 35:38 /usr/lib/vmware/bin/vmware-vmx -s vmx.stdio.keep=TRUE -# product=1;name=VMware Workstation;version=7.0.1;buildnumber=227600;licensename=VMware Workstation;licenseversion=7.0; -@ pipe=/tmp/vmware-kartook/vmx4350143013632ba1;readyEvent=89 /media/ESX/WIN-7-MSDN/Windows 7-MSDN.vmx
kartook 2298 3.1 1.6 893244 199384 ? Sl 08:37 5:51 /usr/lib/firefox-3.6.6/firefox-bin
root 1213 2.9 0.8 204400 102752 tty7 Ss+ 08:35 5:31 /usr/bin/X :0 -nr -verbose -auth /var/run/gdm/auth-for-gdm-SIfbht/database -nolisten tcp vt7
kartook 3112 0.4 0.7 623540 96576 ? Sl 09:08 0:44 /usr/lib/firefox-3.6.6/plugin-container /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/ 2298 plugin
kartook 1870 1.2 0.7 407164 87596 ? S 08:35 2:20 /usr/bin/compiz
kartook 2099 0.3 0.5 408388 68892 ? S 08:36 0:34 /usr/lib/vmware/bin/vmware
kartook 4009 0.6 0.4 485856 51836 ? Sl 11:29 0:06 liferea
kartook 3968 1.6 0.3 765420 37296 ? Sl 11:22 0:21 vlc /home/kartook/PODCosts/off_the_hook__20100630-64.mp3
kartook 2201 0.1 0.3 537808 46420 ? Sl 08:36 0:12 pidgin

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