Some Times system we need to kill the memory eater process. When your system become slower, check the following command and find the memory eater.
Open a terminal and Type the following command
kartook@Dwarez:~$ sudo ps aux | sort -nrk 4 | head
Outputlooks like Below
kartook@Dwarez:~$ sudo ps aux | sort -nrk 4 | head
kartook 2194 18.9 10.8 1614208 1333020 ? Ssl 08:36 35:38 /usr/lib/vmware/bin/vmware-vmx -s vmx.stdio.keep=TRUE -# product=1;name=VMware Workstation;version=7.0.1;buildnumber=227600;licensename=VMware Workstation;licenseversion=7.0; -@ pipe=/tmp/vmware-kartook/vmx4350143013632ba1;readyEvent=89 /media/ESX/WIN-7-MSDN/Windows 7-MSDN.vmx
kartook 2298 3.1 1.6 893244 199384 ? Sl 08:37 5:51 /usr/lib/firefox-3.6.6/firefox-bin
root 1213 2.9 0.8 204400 102752 tty7 Ss+ 08:35 5:31 /usr/bin/X :0 -nr -verbose -auth /var/run/gdm/auth-for-gdm-SIfbht/database -nolisten tcp vt7
kartook 3112 0.4 0.7 623540 96576 ? Sl 09:08 0:44 /usr/lib/firefox-3.6.6/plugin-container /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/ 2298 plugin
kartook 1870 1.2 0.7 407164 87596 ? S 08:35 2:20 /usr/bin/compiz
kartook 2099 0.3 0.5 408388 68892 ? S 08:36 0:34 /usr/lib/vmware/bin/vmware
kartook 4009 0.6 0.4 485856 51836 ? Sl 11:29 0:06 liferea
kartook 3968 1.6 0.3 765420 37296 ? Sl 11:22 0:21 vlc /home/kartook/PODCosts/off_the_hook__20100630-64.mp3
kartook 2201 0.1 0.3 537808 46420 ? Sl 08:36 0:12 pidgin