Audio and Video of Black Hat DC 2009 is now live on
Speakers and Topics
capitol dome at night
Ryan C. Barnett
WAF Virtual Patching Challenge: Securing WebGoat with ModSecurity
Cesar Cerrudo
SQL Server Anti-Forensics
Matthew Flick
XSS Anonymous Browser
Xinwen Fu
One Cell is Enough to Break Tor’s Anonymity
Travis Goodspeed
Reversing and Exploiting Wireless Sensors
Vincenzo Iozzo
Let Your Mach-O Fly
Prajakta Jagdale
Blinded by Flash: Widespread Security Risks Flash Developers Don’t See
Dan Kaminsky
DNS 2008 and the New (old) Nature of Critical Infrastructure
William Kimball
Emulation-based Software Protection Providing Encrypted Code Execution and Page Granularity Code Signing
Paul Kurtz
Keynote: The Move from Strategic Indecision to Leadership in Cyberspace
Brian Krumheuer, Jason Raber
QuietRIATT: Rebuilding the Import Address Table Using Hooked DLL Calls
Adam Laurie
Satellite Hacking for Fun and Profit
Andrew Lindell
Making Privacy-Preserving Data Mining Practical with Smartcards
David Litchfield
The Forensic Investigation of a Compromised Oracle Database Server
Moxie Marlinspike
New Techniques for Defeating SSL/TLS
Michael Muckin
Windows Vista Security Internals
Duc Nguyen
Your Face Is NOT Your Password
Peter Silberman
Snort My Memory
Val Smith, Colin Ames
Dissecting Web Attacks
Michael Sutton
A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: The Dangers of Persistent Web Browser Storage
Rafal Wojtczuk & Joanna Rutkowska
Attacking Intel ® Trusted Execution Technology
Paul Wouters
Defending Your DNS in a Post-Kaminsky World
Earl Zmijewski
Defending Against BGP Man-In-The-Middle Attacks