Asterisk PBX Integration Zimlet

The main focus of this Zimlet is dial-on-click for Phone numbers inside Contacts and Emails. If the phone number is recognized you will see a popup. Just click the phone number to dial. There is also a context menu with more options.

* Uses Asterisk Manager Interface (AMI)
* Dial on-click in Contacts and Emails
* Edit Phone number before dialing
* Send SMS (Needs asterisk SMS() application)
* Create a new Contact from a Phone number
* Configurable search URL

First: The Zimlet does not work with the Zimbra Desktop version. It works with the Open
Source Edition as well as with Network Edition. Currently testet with ZCS 5.10 and ZCS 5.11

On Asterisk PBX side you need:

* Connectivity from the ZCS Server to the Asterisk PBX (normally port 5038)
* AMI user on the Asterisk server with privileges call,command
* For sending SMS only: Correctly configured SMS() applicaton in Asterisk dialplan.
* Optional hints in dialplan for checking extension state before placing a call

Basically installation is like any other Zimlet. See also Zimbra adminstration
guide chapter 13.1

CLI example for a Linux server:

1. Download from sourceforge
2. Copy to /opt/zimbra/zimlets

scp zimbra@zdev:zimlets/

3. Install as user “zimbra”

zmzimletctl install zimlets/

4. Get configuration template and edit configuration to your needs.

zmzimletctl getConfigTemplate zimlets/ > /tmp/ch_bnc_asterisk_config.xml

vi /tmp/ch_bnc_asterisk_config.xml

5. Configure the Zimlet

zmzimletctl configure /tmp/ch_bnc_asterisk_config.xml

6. Restart mailboxd

This is the only unusual part for installing a Zimlet. The reason is that zmzimletctl install does not load the needed jar file included in the Zimlet.

zmmailboxdctl restart

Before debugging mind that Zimbra server does some caching. So after installing a new Zimlet or new Version its a good idea to restart mailboxd and to do a logoff/login. Further check the Zimbra Forums. Maybe somone already had the same problem like you. If you still have troubles to get the Zimlet working the following hints may help to debug the problem:
For the client part it may help to just open the Firefox Error Console (JavaScript errors)
Set the log level for the zimelts to DEBUG. Configure this the following way:
Add the following line to /opt/zimbra/conf/


After editing you need to restart mailboxd:

zmmailboxdctl restart

Then watch logfile /opt/zimbra/log/mailbox.log.

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