VCP Home Lab- Part 3
Physical HDD partitioning :
HDD 1 – 1 TB
Operating System : 100 GB ( C : )
VCP LAB Images Machines : 200 GB ( D : )
ISO Images, thought Vmdk : 200 GB ( E : )
Data Store ( OpenFiler-SAN) : 500 GB ( O : )
HDD 2 – 1 TB
OpenFiler -SAN : 1 TB ( S : )
More info about Drives :
C: This drive we use for windows 7 OS , Drivers and Vmware workstation application . This partition in HDD1
D: This is the drive we are going to create a Virtual machines for LAB environments . like VMware Vsphere , ADSDNS, Vcenter and openfiler .This partition in HDD1
E : This drive we used for all installable and ISO files and Vmware workstation files which is downloaded from Thoughtpolice webpage .This partition in HDD1
O : This is for Openfiler disk for making iSCSI drives . This partition in HDD1
S: This is the saparate HDD for iSCSI openfiler and the NFS share space .This partition in HDD2