ALT-TAB not working in gnome classic on ubuntu 12.04 ?
CompizConfig Setting Manager
opened the manager and navigated to window management
checked application switcher (previously disabled )
Worked like a charm
ALT-TAB not working in gnome classic on ubuntu 12.04 ?
CompizConfig Setting Manager
opened the manager and navigated to window management
checked application switcher (previously disabled )
Worked like a charm
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Thanks – this did the trick. But first, I had to
– go to Ubuntu Software Center
– install CompizConfig Settings Manager
– go to Applications > System Tools > Preferences > CompizConfig Settings Manager
before I could, as suggested above, go to Windows Management and tick the box for Application Switcher.
I have a 12.04 installation that was upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04 to 11.10 to 12.04 using the update manager and then enabling Gnome Classic.
I had the same problem of alt+tab not working even though my
System Settings—–> Keyboard——–> Shortcuts:———–> Navigation
setting said Alt+Tab would Switch Applications.
But I tried setting it to alt+super+tab and that worked fine.
I then just for experiment tried setting it back to alt+tab again and it then worked!
Someone else want to try this and see if this is a consistent work-around?
Thank you for your Visit and update also..
Worked for me:
Applications–> System Tools –> System Settings
Keyboard––—> Shortcuts:–––—> Navigation
Then highlight “switch applications” & press
the and keys
Select a shortcut & press to disable the selected shortcut
I also enabled “Move to workplace left”, assigning it to:
Similarily for “Move to Workplace right”